We hope you’ve been inspired by the stories of hope we’ve highlighted over the last several weeks. Even during COVID lockdowns, YEGO staff were working hard to help Rwandans in need. This past pandemic year, we’ve:
Provided counselling support
Delivered food to the needy
Cared for, fed and educated young children while their mothers try to work
Supported education for children and youth
With COVID cases on the decline, we’re resuming some of our programs and activities. Our 5-month-long computer-assisted learning class started last week with 7 new students and our sewing program relaunches today!
Plans are underway for 4 new healing retreats this February, but we need your help!
Giving Tuesday is November 30. We hope you’ll consider YEGO Rwanda in your giving plans this year.
You can make such a difference. To donate, please see our donation page.
Photo taken at YEGO Rwanda Christmas party 2019, just before the pandemic.