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Retreat #1


Feb 28 – Mar 1: Walking Together in Hope

Day 1

While the first day was filled with laughter, singing, teaching and storytelling, there is so much pain and trauma that still needs healing. Unlike previous retreats, all the women participating this time were educated professionals. 


Participants and leaders of women’s healing retreat

Day 2

After Mackensy led morning exercises, the women continued to tell their stories. In past retreats,  lessons would start by 10 am. But a strong need to share meant that their lesson on Psalm 23 didn’t start until 3 pm. Each woman was given a sheep to place on the scene and tell why she had chosen that spot. At one point, a small bird flew into the room. At first it appeared to be dead, but a little care and water soon enabled it to rejoin its flock.


Day 3

The final lesson was on using our gifts, no matter how ordinary they may be, to serve others. The women heard a story about “bucket fillers”  – people who do kind things to make others happy. At lunch one of the women stood at the start of the food line handing everyone a plate and greeting them. She found a way to be a bucket filler right after the lesson. The women also used their creativity to make yarn dolls.

The women touched the retreat leaders’ hearts with a beautiful dance and song to show their appreciation.


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